Saturday, August 23, 2008

Washington never wounded

George Washington as a 22 yr. old aide to British General Braddock had 2 horses shot from under him and had his cloak and hat shot through in the French and Indian War. As leader of the Continental Army in the Revolution, he was exposed to musket volleys while on horseback multiple times and never hit. At the battle of Brandywine, a British officer, Major Patrick Ferguson , who invented an exceedingly accurate rifle , was on patrol at dusk on the last day of the battle.Ferguson, who was on foot spotted an American officer on horseback less than 100 yards away. Ferguson took aim with his rifle, and most certainly could have struck his target.But he did not shoot,as he recounted later,for the American officer looked at Ferguson and calmly and casually let his horse walk away.Ferguson said he simply could not shoot such a man.The American on horseback was Washington,who went through 6 years of war never wounded.He died in his bed at Mt. Vernon 18 years after the war ended.Ferguson was killed,on horseback, 2 years after he aimed at Washington, by American muskets and rifles at the Battle of Kings Mountain.

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